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发表日期: 2017-06-17
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  2017年6月16日,由中国科学院受体结构与功能重点实验室主任徐华强研究员和国家新药筛选中心主任王明伟研究员领衔团队合作,由博士生殷艳婷主要完成的研究成果被The Journal of Biological Chemistry(JBC)杂志选为“封面论文”(On The Cover)予以重点推介,表明相关结论已经获得国际同行的关注与认可。 该论文从功能角度揭示了B型G蛋白偶联受体激活的新机制。

    On The Cover: A ribbon illustration shows the polar core (red sticks and spheres) within the transmembrane domains of human glucagon receptor (gray) in complex with the glucagon receptor antagonist MK-0893 (green). The polar core, which is locked in the inactive conformation by the antagonist, is composed of conserved residues from TM2, TM3, TM6, and TM7, and mutations in this conserved polar core lead to constitutive activation of the glucagon receptors. The cover figure was prepared by Yanting Yin.




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